Sunday, March 10, 2019

Some musings on "meltdowns"/"tantrums" due to "bad" reviews

I started writing this article in 2011.  At the time, there had been several very public author meltdowns, and they seemed to be more and more frequent.  Thankfully, I now see that they are not the "thing" anymore, and indie authors (who were usually the main perpetrators) have assumed a more professional attitude and take those "mean"/"bad" reviews in stride by not reacting.  Though meltdowns are not frequent or restricted to the romance genre, as thankfully most authors with more than two brain cells either vent to their friends/family in private, rant in a private venue, or choose some other discreet venue, they were happening back then with a certain frequency in multiple genres/sub-genres.

Of course most meltdowns have to do with reviews or lack thereof.  Some of these ranty, FU expressions of displeasure involved "bad" reviews, the operative word here being "bad".  You see, some of these people have blown up on a very public way about allegedly "bad" reviews they received.  Now, that wouldn't be a problem if the reviews read like this one.  That particular review caused a stir online a few years ago.  Frankly, I still cringe when I think about it.  Though the reviewer was definitely not attacking the author personally, it was so incredibly harsh that I was a quite shocked.  I think that was the first time (aside from Mrs. Giggles' reviews) that I read a review of that nature.  I'd never be able to write any reviews like that.   And yes, I've hated books that much, but not even if the book was a purchase, would I be able to do that.  It's not in me.  But I digress.  (The author of that book is no more, her website is down.  The publishing company, Ellora's Cave, is not in business anymore.  Just an FYI).

The reviews being complained about that I am talking about were actually quite well thought out reviews, non-insulting, definitely not harsh; and the reader of the review could tell that the reviewer was struggling when writing the review .  The reviewers even gave some good points to the book, and explained what didn't work for them. 

That being said, I am a former reviewer and it's things like meltdowns what keep me from returning to that activity in any significant (for me) way.  I now stick to this blog when I want to make public commentary about a book, or stick to the FB groups I belong to. 

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